The Future of Furniture and Fixtures - 3D Printing

Could 3D printing really be the future of our furniture and fixtures? 3D printers are rapidly changing the way we think about products.Instead of a needing to keep an inventory, companies have more flexibility to make upon order! Chairs could be made to fit your individual body. Fixtures could be customized to amaze and delight your specific needs.Essentially -- if you can dream it, you can have it! What's next?!3d printing post_3d07a18786d90959d1c8fe0c6c980a303d printing post_furniture-63d printing post_furniture-73d printing post_furniture-83d printing post_furniture-113d printing post_joris-laarman-design-miami-basel-friedman-benda-bits-and-crafts-designboom-093d printing post_3d-printed-faucet-e1453320933690